justice         We have seen every powerhouse television attorney do it from Perry Mason to Jack McCoy.  When there isn't enough evidence to present to the jury – either because the evidence doesn't exist, or it has been excluded by a liberal judge – you can always get the perp to incriminate himself on the witness stand.  The United States Constitution prohibits forcing a defendant to incriminate himself in the 5th amendment – but these powerhouse television attorneys know that the perp is usually arrogant enough, or deluded enough to take the stand in his own defense and that is where the clever powerhouse attorney can spring the trap.  They come to expect it.  We do too.  We have faith that, after a pregnant pause the prosecutor will ask:

"You say you haven't spoken to the victim in two months – so why do your phone records show fifteen calls to him the day he was murdered?"

Then the trap is shut, the ominous string music rises, and uniformed men escort the defendant out of the courtroom and on to Rikers Island.  We the viewer are comforted by the thought that the drug dealer, or the home-grown terrorist, or the hedge-fund manager who murdered his wife will be going away for a long, long time.  It is a satisfying resolution we have come to count on.

            It is what Caiaphas expects when he springs his trap on Jesus.

            Caiaphas has taken Jesus by stealth, after Judas betrayed him.  Jesus has been hustled to Caiaphas' home where some of the Sanhedrin are gathered like a hastily assembled grand jury.  Due process is violated at every turn, and false witnesses are paid off and lined up.  But despite all the planning and deceit the false witnesses will not agree.  Caiaphas has not lost control of the corrupt proceedings, though.  He is counting on Jesus incriminating himself.

"'Have you no answer to make?  What is it these men testify against you?'  But he remained silent and made no answer.  Again the High Priest asked him, 'Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?'" (Mark 14.60-61 ESV)

            Caiaphas' leading questions tell us a great deal.  First, we know that he has an understanding of the role of the Messiah.  He knows that the Messiah will be the "Son of the Blessed."  He knows the Messiah will be Divine.  He also knows this is who Jesus is claiming to be – or he wouldn't have baited this particular trap.  Finally, we know that HE knows he is framing Jesus.  I suspect that, like Dostoyevsky's "Grand Inquisitor," Caiaphas knows exactly to whom he is speaking – and doesn't care.

            What takes his hubris to a greater extreme, though, is the way he says "Son of the Blessed."  Let us not doubt that he is using a substitute for the name of God, YHVH.  Years ago, we would have said "Jehovah" in English.  Now we believe "Yahweh" is closer to the way the Name was pronounced.  Although it is used 6800+ times in the Old Testament (three times more than the word "God"), the pious Jew thought the name too holy to say (then as now).  The pious Jew would say , "the Most High," or "the Blessed One," instead.  Caiaphas dares to pretend reverence for God while he knowingly seeks to humiliate and execute God's man.

            Jesus' answer, as always, is powerful and perfect.  He says "I am."  "I am" is the name God gave Moses at the burning bush (Exodus 3.14).  YHVH is based on the verb "to be."  God is the one who is.  Jesus identifies himself using the name that Caiaphas, out of feigned reverence, would not use.  "I am, and you will see the son of man seated at the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of heaven." (Mark 14.62 ESV)

            "What further evidence so we need?" Caiaphas asks.  Caiaphas thinks the trap is sprung, that he has snared Jesus, that he has beaten God.  We know otherwise.  We know that God's plan is irresistible, that falsehood cannot prevail, and that Jesus is exactly who he claims to be.  No trap is clever enough to change any of that.  Ever.

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