
  1. Our goal in this lesson is to learn what I can do to help convert the lost.
  2. The most basic work of the church is to teach others (Mt 28:18-20; Mk 16:15-16). The church can only accomplish this task as the members do the work. Apostle Paul said, "The effectual working... of each part". (Eph4:ll-16)
  3. It is good to support preachers in the full time work of proclaiming the gospel, but the church will be effective only when the individual members are actively using the opportunities they have to teach.
  4. I have opportunities to teach that no one else will have. I must be ready to make the most of those opportunities.

A.    Some reasons why I want to teach others:

  1. To be like Jesus! (Mt 10:24-25; 1 Pet 2:21; Lk 19:10)
  2. To be like the early Christians. (Acts 5:42; 8:4; Phil 1:17; 2:16)
  3. To be spiritually wise. (Pro 11:30; Mt 10:16)
  4. To meet the fearful responsibility I have been given. (Ez 3:18-19; Acts 20:26,27)
  5. To glorify God. (Jn 15:2,8)
  6. To have fellowship in the greatest work on earth. (1 Jn 1:3-4)
  7. The need is unlimited. (Jn 4:35-3 6)
    1. But, there is a shortage of faithful workers. (Mt 9:37-38) 
    2. Jesus said the "harvest is plenteous". It must be true that there are multitudes that are just waiting for someone to approach them with the Gospel of Christ.
  8. I can have fellowship in this work only to the degree that I am willing to invest my time, talent, influence and effort to this cause.
  9. Because I love the souls of those who are lost. I care about them.
    1. How does God value the soul of man? (Mt 16:26; Jn 3:16)
    2. We are indebted to Christ and to those who taught us of our need to obey Him. Our love obligates us to "Go and Teach". (Rom 1:15-16)
    3. Keep this clear: No stressing of "DUTY' and "RESPONSIBILITY' can substitute for a SINCERE INTEREST in the lost condition of others and a genuine love for their souls. 
    4. If the Gospel doesn't create within me a love for the soul of the man who stands in jeopardy of going to hell, I will never be successful in winning him to the Son of God.

B.     What can I do in this work?

  1. If I have obeyed the Gospel, I can at least tell others what I have done. I may know only a little, but I do know that much!! (Mk 5:19-20)
  2. I can study and grow in my knowledge, so I will be a more capable teacher. I may not know much right now, but I'll not stay that way! (Heb 5:12; 1 Pet 3; 15; 2 Tim 2:2)
  3. I can invite others to services where they can hear the Gospel. (Acts 10:24)
  4. I can make an effort to set up home Bible studies. I may not be capable just yet of teaching the class, but there are many others in the congregation who are. Filmstrip lessons are available that almost anyone can use.
  5. I can distribute booklets and pamphlets that will help to interest others in the Gospel.
  6. A large number of sermons are available on tape that I can play for my friends. This may build their interest to the point where they will come to services with me. I can enroll others in the Bible Correspondence Course.


There are dozens of things I can do to help convert others. Let’s show the same concern for the lost as Jesus!

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