Fall Quarter 2016
Sunday Morning Bible Class
Letters of John
In this class we study the text of the New Testament directly from the Bible. For more information contact Barry Bryson.
Digging Deeper
(Fellowship Room)
Church History
The History of the Church presented by David Button.
Enriching the Family
(Room 102, Education Center)
“Finding s Financial Foundation"
(What & Why)
A study of all topics related to strengthening the family. Classes on marriage, parenting textual studies, and the Church family will be featured Sam Bates and Reggie Barnes
Home Builders
(Room 106, Education Center)
"Why Me?" God's making of a leader-Moses
This class is designed for young families. The group also offers fellowship and service activities as well as Bible Study. CL Walker, Eric Foy, and Dave Golden
Next Step
(EAC 103)
"Following Jesus"
This Bible Study class is for young adults. High School graduates and those older are welcome. Joe Dunlap
First Principles Class
First Principles is a basic Bible Study series designed to help you guide a seeker along their journey to come to a knowledge of the truth and thereby be saved. (1 Timothy 2:4) Led by Owen Mullenex
Clase de Biblia en Español
(EAC 113)
Sunday Evening Bible Class
Enriching the Family
Wednesday Evening Bible Classes
Auditorium Class
The Book of Amos
Study of Amos who was sent by God to prophesy to these people near the end of the two-hundred year period. Matthew White
Ladies Bible Class
(Fellowship Room)
"Paul by the Grace of God"
Ladies Study by Melinda Golden
Men’s Class
(Room 102, Education Building)
King David - Part 2
This class features discussion and teaching by David Woolard
Clase de Biblia en Español
(EAC 113)