L2L is the oldest and largest leadership training program used by the churches of Christ today. It is a tool we can use to help prepare youth and adults for service in the Kingdom of God and help develop their overall leadership potential. L2L is more than just attending a youth rally or participating in a Bible Bowl. We offer a variety of Bible-based class materials and events for preschoolers through adults.
The purpose of is to help instill the Word of God into youth and adults so that they will stand firm in the faith. Teaching students to do “Bible things in Bible ways”.
The Leader Pledge
The “Leader Pledges” are integral foundation stones for the entire program. Each pledge is one aspect of the total development of the student. Students are encouraged to memorize the pledges and scripture references and then, through careful exercise, apply the principles in their daily lives.
- I am answerable to God and to society. (Matthew 22:21) Focus: To comprehend the relationship of the leader to his God and to people around him.
- I will overcome pessimism and live a life of faith in God. (Philippians 4:13) Focus: To see the importance of living optimistically by faith in a negative world.
- I am fully responsible for my behavior. (Romans 14:12) Focus: To understand the necessity of accepting responsibility for attitudes and actions.
- I am responsible for my agreements and obligations. (Matthew 7:12) Focus: To comprehend the importance of keeping one’s word.
- I pursue honest work to meet my responsibilities. (1 Timothy 5:8) Focus: To understand the necessity of establishing proper work ethics.
- I honor and obey my parents and respect persons in authority. (Ephesians 6:2) Focus: To believe the importance and function of God’s design for authority.
- I respect my body as the creation of God and use it for His glory. (1 Corinthians 6:20) Focus: To learn that we are not our own and that we should live to bring honor to the Creator.
- I choose for my friends those who enjoy doing good. (1 Corinthians 15:33) Focus: To impress on the student’s mind the importance of choice and example in regard to friendship.
- I lead in building character and in demonstrating integrity. (Philippians 2:22) Focus: To understand the need for being a leader in character building through demonstrating a life of integrity.
- I lead in second-mile service to others. (Matthew 5:41) Focus: To understand the importance of doing all that is asked and can be expected of you and then some.
We can see that the comprehension and application of these ten principles in and through the lives of our young men and women will lead to a generation of well-equipped adults, who present a dynamic force of moral righteousness in our society. It is to this end that we train youth to become Godly leaders.
September 18, 2016 . Informational Meeting
(Following morning Worship)
2017 Nashville Convention
Theme: Ruth 3:5
Date: April 14-16, 2017
The purpose of Lads to Leaders and Leaderettes is to help local congregations instill the word of God into youth and adults so that they will stand firm in the faith. Teaching students to do “Bible things in Bible ways” is the essence of Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes. Please join us Sunday, September 18th after morning worship to learn a little more what we are about.
Karlton or Cherice Dodson
(210) 289-7665 or Chericesd.1 @aol.co.m
Mnassas 2017
Church of Christ
Sunday, September 18th
- 12L Kick-off/Informational Meeting for interested church youth, families as well as interested adult volunteers.
Sunday, September 25th
(Conducted following week after Introductory Meeting after morning Worship- 1 hour max)
L21 Volunteer Meeting (Workshop)- Discuss and finalize roles and responsibilities (Primary and Secondary Leads)
- Plan out Schedule during Oct-Dec 2016 & ian-Mar 2017
- Determine classrooms for Leaders and Leaderettes use
Sunday, October 9th
- L2L 1st Day, Begins at 5pm prior to evening Worship.
- Lesson on Ruth 3:5 to the children
- Brainstorm with youth what it means to them
- Conduct Activity on what we have learned
Future Sessions:
- Lessons / Activities on focus items:
- Song Leading/Songs of Praise
- Scripture Reading
- Speech
- Art says It
- Scrapbook
Registration Fee
Participant Registration Fees:
Due by February 6,2017 and goes as follows:
- 3rd Grade - Adult=$40 per person
- Kindergarten — 2nd Grade = $40 per student if participating in:
- Centurion of Scripture
- Good Samaritan,
- Read the Word,
- Puppet Theater,
- Second Language,
- Bible Bowl, Know the Books,
- or any Year-Round event
o Participants not Attending Convention = $20 per person (Covers Awards)
Hotel Deposit Amounts:
- One night stay for standard room to accommodate up to 4 personnel - 129.50+
- One night stay for junior suite for more than 4 personnel -$178.00